Friday, November 13, 2009

About Me and this Blog

Like the title says, I'm brutally honest. I don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings and names will be changed to protect the innocent. If you think you recognize yourself in any of my postings, you must be guilty of something.

I'm the single mom of 3 wonderful children. My daughter is 16 and my two sons are 6 years and 8 months. Yes, I'm totally insane but I think I've enjoyed having them so far apart because they didn't all grow up at once. (and the 16 year old can babysit!!!)

I'll blog about everything from idiots in the Walmart parking lot or store to kids television programming. I may rant about family or personal issues and if you don't want to read it, I really don't care. I just like to get my feelings out in one form or another so that it doesn't stay bottled up inside.

Also, you should know that I'm a redhead. If you don't like my attitude, give me 10 seconds and it might change.

Good night and God bless!

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